Community Organizing Resources from CSCO
From 1977 – 2014, Christians Supporting Community Organizing (CSCO), recruited and supported congregations from the Evangelical, Holiness, and Pentecostal traditions in participating in the congregation-based community organizing movement in the United States. The community organizing movement is an effective strategy for building social, political and economic justice in local communities.
NACSW is pleased to be able to share their website and the wealth of resources CSCO developed through the years in support of community organizing.
People of Power
One of the resources CSCO developed is a powerful video series produced by Crown Ministries International entitled People of Power featuring Dr. Robert Linthicum presenting on various topics related to Christian community organizing.
This video series is ONLY AVAILABLE through the CROWN MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL WEBSITE. To obtain a 10% discount for any videos from this series, simply use the coupon code “NACSW10” when you make a purchase. Study guides are available as well, at no additional cost. Check out this video series now!
Refer to the Crown Ministries International website for pricing information.