The following are answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about NACSW, its mission, and the services and benefits it provides for NACSW members and friends broken down into categories.
Organizational Information
What does the acronym NACSW stand for?
NACSW stands for “North American Association of Christians in Social Work”
When was NACSW founded?
NACSW is an interdenominational and international organization which grew out of a series of annual conferences beginning in 1950. NACSW was incorporated in 1954, which means it has been in existence even longer than NASW. In 1983, NACSW changed its name from “National” to “North American Association of Christians in Social Work” when a large number of social workers living in Canada became members of NACSW.
How can I contact the NACSW office?
You can contact the NACSW office by email at
in**@na***.org, by phone toll free at 888.426.4712, or by mail at NACSW; 6601 W College Dr, Palos Heights, IL 60463.
Does NACSW develop position statements on social or political issues or endorse particular political candidates or parties?
In general, NACSW does not develop partisan position statements on social or political issues about which there is a lack of consensus in the larger Christian community. Nor does NACSW endorse particular political candidates or parties. Rather, NACSW sees as its call to support the efforts of Christians in social work to better understand how their faith contributes to their views and practice as social workers, and to ensure that there is a safe place for healthy discussion about topics and issues of concern to Christians in social work — with an understanding that at times people of faith will disagree on such issues.
We believe there is definitely a place for advocacy on social and political issues for Christians in social work, and we strongly support and encourage this among our membership. However, NACSW has not seen taking organizational positions as our call, because to do so could leave out some Christians in social work who might not agree with a specific position NACSW would take on a given issue. Instead, we believe that an important way to live out the Christian call to be light and salt in our world is to model respectful, humble, open, and loving dialogue concerning even the most difficult issues which have the potential to divide us – something that we believe is a pressing priority within both the Christian community, as well as within the larger society during the polarized times in which we live. NACSW’s goal is to be an association in which all Christians in social work feel like they have a place to belong, to be respected, and for their voices to be heard.
Membership Information
Who are NACSW's Members?
NACSW welcomes as members individuals or organizations that support the mission of NACSW, which is to equip its members to integrate Christian faith and professional social work practice. Most of NACSW’s members are professional social work practitioners and faculty, but others include students, clergy, and other persons of faith working in the social services. For more information on becoming a member, please see our website.
Do I have to belong to a particular denomination to join NACSW?
No, NACSW does not identify with any particular denomination or denominations. Members come from a variety of Protestant, Roman Catholic and Orthodox traditions. At last count, over 60 Christian denominations were represented within the NACSW membership! All who support the mission of NACSW to equip its members to integrate Christian faith and professional social work practice are welcome!
What benefits are available to NACSW members?
Benefits of NACSW membership include free subscriptions to NACSW’s quarterly newsletter as well as NACSW’s quarterly journal, Social Work and Christianity, access to NACSW’s JobNet Career Center, discounted registration rates for NACSW’s annual conventions and quarterly audio conferences, a 20% discount on books and other materials published by NACSW, and many other benefits.
Click here for a complete listing of membership benefits and services.
How long does my membership last?
Memberships are valid for one year from the date of purchase. Two-year memberships and lifetime memberships are also available.
I am a student, should I join NACSW?
Absolutely! Almost 1/3 of NACSW’s members are students. Students receive a discounted membership rate. There are many membership benefits that are particularly useful for students including NACSW’s mentoring program and access to NACSW’s JobNet Career Center. Information on student membership rates can be found online.
How can I renew my membership and/or update my name and address?
If you are currently a member you can click on “
Renew My Membership” under the Membership tab. You may update your name and address by contacting the NACSW office by phone at 888.426.4712 or by email at
How can I connect with other NACSW members?
If you are an NACSW member you can search for and connect directly with other NACSW members through the
Online Membership Directory. This online directory provides contact information for any current NACSW who has given permission to be included in this listing. There are also a number of special interest
listservs and
member interest groups that are good resources for connecting with other NACSW members around areas of shared interest.
Continuing Education Opportunities (CEs)
Does NACSW offer opportunities to earn CE Hours?
Yes, NACSW offers many
opportunities to earn continuing education contact hours including annual and regional conventions, chapter meetings, home study programs, and audio conference workshops. NACSW is an Approved Continuing Education (#1078) provider by the Association of Social Work Boards (
ASWB), and is also recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0479.
Will CE Hours from NACSW be honored in my state?
NACSW is an Approved Continuing Education (#1078) provider by the Association of Social Work Boards (
ASWB) and also recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0479. These approvals extends to all of NACSW’s current training programs including its conventions, regional conferences, home study program, and audio conference workshops. It is important to note, however, that final authority for approving any continuing education activity rests with the state or province in which the participant is licensed. Some states, for example, categorically do not yet accept home study contact hours, no matter who offers them, and so training participants are still responsible to check with their local authorities about final training acceptability. However, an increasing number of regulatory boards readily accept the continuing education offerings of ASWB-approved providers.
How can I find out about the next NACSW annual convention?
For information about NACSW’s annual convention, please see our
convention webpage. For a list of upcoming and past annual conventions, please visit our convention history webpage. Remember that NACSW members receive 20-25% off the regular convention registration rate!
Does NACSW organize local meetings, workshops, and conferences?
NACSW does occasionally host regional conferences and local workshops. NACSW also has local chapters in several areas of North America. To learn more about local chapters and see if there is an active chapter in your area please visit the “
Groups & Contacts” webpage.
Does NACSW publish any journals or books?
NACSW publishes the journal
Social Work and Christianity (SWC) four times a year. Members receive a subscription to SWC at no cost, and are able to access electronic copies of SWC going back all the way to 1974 on the
Members-Only section of NACSW’s website as one of their benefits of membership. NACSW also publishes a number of books related to the integration of faith and social work practice. A full listing of the books published by NACSW can be found at the
NACSW bookstore. NACSW members receive a 20% discount on all NACSW books and other published materials.
How do I submit an article for NACSW’s journal, Social Work and Christianity?
Information about submitting manuscripts to Social Work and Christianity can be found here, under Manuscript Submission Guidelenes. Any questions about submissions should be directed to Rick Chamiec-Case, SWC’s managing editor.
How can I find information on obtaining professional liability insurance through my NACSW membership?
NACSW is pleased to offer
professional liability insurance to its members who practice social work and mental health counseling services in the United States. The plan is administered by the American Professional Administration. Information on insurance is available in the Membership section of NACSW’s website.
How can I advertise with NACSW?
NACSW offers a range of options for advertising or promoting jobs, events, products, or services that would be of special interest to Christians in social work. These options include ads in our newsletter or journal, renting NACSW’s member list, exhibits, sponsorships or bag stuffers at the annual convention, or, for members, sending information out at no cost on NACSW’s listservs. For more information about advertising with NACSW, go to “
Promotion & Advertising” in the “Resource” section of the NACSW website.