Home / Joel Bowman / Let’s Kill the Stigma!

Let’s Kill the Stigma!

BowmanJ0416CEUWebPeople don’t like addressing stigmas,  so they tend to grow into huge enigmas.

“Just sweep it under the rug,” some say. “If we don’t discuss it, it’ll go away.”

Stigmas are really big in the Church,  some sit and judge on a prideful perch.

There’s a stigma of mental illness.  But if we come together we can kill this.

Let’s kill the stigma … one person at a time!

Rather than talking about suicide, many bury their heads; trying to duck and hide.

But if we don’t talk, there’s a price to pay.  One hundred plus suicides each and every day.

So, if mental illness is your struggle,  you can’t just pull yourself from the rubble.

Many people with problems need therapy.  That doesn’t make them weak or crazy.

People say, “the problem’s just spiritual,”  and any talk of treatment is immaterial.

Sadly, this line of thinking is typical. But when you think about it, it’s hypocritical!

Some of these same people take insulin, since diabetes treatment involves medicine.

You see, all illnesses began with Adam’s sin. That includes the ones that cause our heads to spin.

You may have a chemical imbalance, that requires medical assistance.

If your serotonin level is low,  meds can help you get up and go.

Does it make a brother less of a Christian,  if he’s diagnosed with clinical depression?

Why is it that we whisper about a sister?  Is it because she has a form of bipolar?

Do they necessarily lack faith, if every day some pills they must take?

Those suffering with mental illness, are no less human than the rest of us.

There’s no shame in Christians seeking help, to address the emotional pain they’ve felt.

Yes, prayer and the Bible are foundational. But God also gave us health care professionals.

There are Christians who love the Lord Jesus, they’ve been trained to help when they see us.

But how can they help us if we never go?  This is the reason some may never grow.

The bravest thing you could ever do,  is to seek help and find life anew.

People don’t like addressing stigmas, so they tend to grow into huge enigmas.

“Just sweep it under the rug,” some say.  “If we don’t discuss it, it’ll go away.”

Stigmas are really big in the Church,  some sit and judge on a prideful perch.

There’s a stigma of mental illness.  But if we come together we can kill this.

Let’s kill the stigma … one person at a time!

Rev. Joel A. Bowman, Sr., LCSW is the Founder and Senior Pastor of the Temple of Faith Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky.  He is a former member of NACSW’s Board of  Directors.

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