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Membership Directory

Access the Online Membership Directory

NACSW’s Membership Directory is a listing of current NACSW members who have given their permission to have their names included in this directory.

Inclusion on this list does not imply NACSW’s endorsement or certification of the members’ qualifications, abilities, or proficiency to practice social work or integrate faith and practice.

Welcome to NACSW’s Online Membership Directory

Developed in response to frequent requests from NACSW members for such a directory, this regularly updated listing only includes the names of NACSW members who have given us their permission to appear in this listing, and seeks to:

  1. Help Christians in social work connect more easily and directly with one another (there will no need to go through a middle person to access information about NACSW members)
  2. Help NACSW members promote any services they provide to the general public (for example, counseling services, provision of home studies, consultation to church social ministries or faith-based organizations, etc.)
  3. Help NACSW members find more easily other members and Christian social service organizations and programs that share similar interests and expertise

NACSW has designed this directory so that it will provide different levels of information to various audiences:

For the general public, available information will include NACSW members’ names, cities and states/provinces of residence, highest earned degrees, business phone numbers, personal websites, and a listing of any social work services offered to the public (for example, counseling services, case studies, consulting to church social ministries, etc.).

For NACSW members, additional available informational – protected by password access – will include members’ email addresses, mailing addresses, areas of special interest, etc. We have also made contact information about Christian social service organizations, church social ministries, and Christian colleges available as an additional benefit of NACSW membership.

Updating Information

To ensure that information is as current, complete, and accurate as possible, NACSW members will be able to change to their information at any time by contacting the NACSW office at in**@na***.org
