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Archived Podcasts

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NACSW records and makes available to its members a wide variety of presentations and discussions on topics focused on the ethical integration of Christian faith and professional social work practice. Below you will find links to archived podcasts of many of these recordings modules. NACSW encourages you to download these audio podcasts, save them on your computer, and listen to them at your convenience – and as many times as you like. NACSW offers these archived podcasts to its members as one of many benefits of membership in NACSW!

2016 Archived Podcasts
Applied Macro Social Work in an Urban Ministry Context/em> – Kevin Brown, PhD – Date Recorded: November 28, 2016

Abstract: Founded in 1967, Trinity Christian Community has embraced a strategy of holistic urban ministry to foster community change. Using two macro social work strategies, community organization and community development, this 50 year old ministry has established a handful of best practices with ramifications for macro-oriented social workers seeking to integrate faith and practice in a community context. This session will highlight significant aspects of the work done by the community, with a special emphasis upon 10 years of post-Katrina community building.

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: From Poverty to Self-Sufficiency – Pam Crawford, LCSW, and Kim Rainey, LCSW – Date Recorded: April 25th, 2016


Open Table is a growing poverty alleviation movement of ministry in the United States wherein a faith community collaborates with the community to create a partnership of accountability with what the model terms a “brother “or “sister” in poverty. It is a model that utilizes both social and financial capital to empower a family who has the motivation to commit to a one-year plan that will improve their lives and help move them toward self-sufficiency.

This podcast will illustrate the Open Table approach, while describing the experience of a group of Christians who have struggled with poverty walking alongside a sibling group while assisting their move from poverty to self-reliance.

2015 Archived Podcasts
Conducting a Spiritual Assessment: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Getting to Know Someone – Barry Lee, PsyD – Date Recorded: March 06, 2015

Abstract: The focus of this session is two-fold. One area of focus is to provide participants with opportunities to learn a variety of methods to obtain a spiritual assessment from their clients. The other area of focus is to gain a better understanding of the role that spirituality has played and continues to play in the lives of individuals who are in recovery from substance addiction issues.

When Helping Hurts: Key Ideas and Issues for Poverty Alleviation – Steve Corbett, M.Ed. – Date Recorded: February 23, 2015

Abstract: In this session, the presenter suggests that in responding to Christ’s call to, “Open your hearts and hands to the poor among you,” we often mobilize and act with good intentions. But good intentions are not enough. It is possible in our efforts to help people who are poor to actually do harm to the very ones we seek to help. This session will look at the importance of defining poverty appropriately and will explore 3 key principles for engaging in effective poverty alleviation.

2014 Archived Podcasts

All Things New: Neo-Calvinist Groundings for Social Work – Jim Vanderwoerd, PhD – Date Recorded: November 11, 2014 – Date Recorded: November 11, 2014

Abstract: “There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain…. See, I am making all things new.” This vision from Revelation 21 – perhaps the most comforting words a Christian in social work will ever hear – provides a beacon of hope in the face of despair. This lecture will ground this hopeful vision in Reformed Christianity, specifically within the neo-Calvinist tradition, and highlight contributions of this tradition to social work and social welfare.

Ethical Social Work Practice with LGBT Clients – Helen Harris and Jon Singletary, PhD – Date Recorded: November 8, 2014

Abstract: This interactive presentation addresses the opportunity and challenge for social work practice with the population of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LBGT) clients. Scripture and evidence-based/informed interventions will be considered in the ethical integration of Christian faith and social work practice.

Integration of Clients’ Spirituality among Christians in Social Work – Holly Oxhandler, PhD – Date Recorded: November 7, 2014

Abstract: This workshop introduces the Religious/Spiritually Integrated Practice Assessment Scale and describes the views and integration of clients’ religion/spirituality into practice among a national sample of social workers who self-identified as Christians. Based on these findings, implications and suggestions for social work practice are discussed.

Irresistible Revolution: A Quest to Be Ordinary Radicals – Shane Claiborne – Date Recorded: November 6, 2014

Abstract: This presentation is an invitation to join a new movement of God’s Spirit that begins inside each of us and extends into a broken world. It is an invitation to listen to stories to inspire and provoke us as we seek to live out our call as people of faith in social work. This message is meant to comfort the disturbed, and disturb the comfortable. It sketches out a vision of “ordinary” Christians in social work ready to change the world with little but radical acts of love.

Learning Through Technology: An Engaging, Practical, and User Friendly Approach – David Cecil, PhD and Stephen Baldridge, PhD – Date Recorded: November 24, 2014

Abstract: Online training and education in social work, as well the use of technology in general, can be intimidating and expensive. Is it possible to find approachable and cost effective ways to use these tools to reach today’s students and practitioners? This interactive workshop presents an evidence-based, motivating approach to engaging the valuable tools of online and mobile training and education.

Maxims for Management: Manifesting Christian Principles as Supervisors, Managers and Administrators – Frank Raymond, PhD – Date Recorded: April 28, 2014

Abstract: Managers at all levels in human service organization, both secular and church-related, must be able to apply appropriate administrative principles in carrying out their roles. Managers who are Christians should strive to make sure the administrative principles they employ reflect the values of their faith. This workshop identifies a number of “maxims for management,” or fundamental administrative principles that embody Christian values, and can guide the day-to-day performance of human service managers at all levels.

Navigating End-of-Life Issues with Clients: An Overview for Social Workers – Julie Griffin, MSW- Date Recorded: August 2, 2014

Abstract: End-of-life issues are a part of life we will all encounter whether prepared or not. The social work profession is in a unique position to promote positive and factual understanding while demystifying societal fears surrounding matters of life and death. Social workers who are informed about end-of-life issues empower their clients and the general public to move beyond preconceived ideas toward sustainable action that will meet long term goals helping reduce their fears of the future.

Nuns on the Bus: War on Poverty – Simone Campbell, JD – Date Recorded: November 8, 2014

Abstract: Justice comes before charity. Everyone has a right to eat, and therefore there is a governmental responsibility to ensure everyone’s capacity to eat. On the bus, our Sisters of Social Service moved from community to community hearing stories and letting our hearts be broken open. In the process we discovered that sharing stories leads to hope. Hope leads to community. Community leads to action for the common good…i.e. justice. This presentation features the stories Sister Simone heard about economic equality that moved her being to fight for economic justice.

Working Together to Promote Spiritual and Religions Competency in the Profession – Darla Spence Coffey, PhD; Angelo McClain, PhD; Michael Sheridan, PhD; MSW, and Rick Chamiec-Case, Ph.D, MSW, MAR- Date Recorded: November 7, 2014

Abstract: Leaders of four major professional social work associations, NASW, CSWE, NACSW, and the Society for Spirituality and Social Work, discuss ways that each of their associations work to equip their members to provide services that are sensitive to and respectful of the religious and spiritual beliefs and values of their clients. This included addressing questions such as: a) Is religiosity and spirituality a natural fit for social workers? If so, what do our associations do to highlight and encourage this fit?; b) What do our organizations do to support the development of knowledge, values, and skills in the area of spirituality?; c) What changes have our organizations seen in the evolution of attention to religion and spirituality in social work, and what key issues appear on the horizon?

The discussion concludes with a discussion about the ways these four associations could work together more fully to support spiritual and religious humility, sensitivity, and competency in the social work profession.

2013 Archived Podcasts

Using Family Circles to Promote and Understand Family Connections – Dexter Freeman, DSW – Date Recorded: October 19, 2013

Abstract: The family circle method is a brief pictorial diagram that is used to help individuals and families describe, acknowledge, and discuss her family as she experiences the family. This presentation yields a wealth of information about how a family is currently structured and functions from an individual perspective. Participants of this training will never see their family the same after listening to this presentation.

Congregational and Community Responses with Vulnerable Older Persons – Dennis Myers – Date Recorded: February 25, 2013

Abstract: This audio conference focuses on how social workers and congregations can respond to the impoverishment and isolation that inhabit the daily lives of a significant number of older persons. It calls attention to unique assets that energize congregational responsiveness and demonstrates how effective preparation, vision, attention to assets, care with congregational volunteers, awareness of barriers and ministry design, locate ministry at the point of greatest need and maximum impact.

Creating Safe Congregations: Understanding and Protecting Leaders and Churches from Sexual Misconduct – Diana Garland – Date Recorded: March 15, 2013

Abstract: This presentation will report the findings of the first national study of clergy sexual misconduct with adults. It will describe how the social dynamics of congregations contribute to, and so can prevent, clergy sexual misconduct. It will explore the dynamics of power and consent in the context of religious communities.

Ethical Implications of Living with DSM-5 – Rev. James Ellor – Date Recorded: November 22, 2013

Abstract: As a part of the Dyer Workshop, Rev. James Ellor lends his intelligence on the ethical implications of living with DSM-5. As a result of this workshop, participants should be able to: identify key changes in philosophy found in DSM-5, discuss social work values in light of DSM-5, and identify the implications of 5 values as applied to DSM-5. This presentation goes into social work philosophy, discussing humanism, evidence based/positivism, faith in practice, the NASW Code of Values and ethics, and the discussion of specific values.

The Pastors Words: Perspectives and Approaches to Domestic Violence in the Church – Jacqueline Dyer, PhD – Date Recorded: May 13, 2013

Abstract:  The domestic violence community has often disparaged clergy for not providing appropriate support for women who have experienced intimate partner violence (IPV). However, little is known about actual clergy practice and perspective in relation to this issue in their churches. This presentation provides information on both clergy perspectives and practices regarding IPV. Activities that parallel clinical best practices are also identified. This session is designed to increase cultural competence regarding Protestant Christian African American churches and clergy, in relation to their efforts to help congregants who are victims of IPV. Last, the presentation identifies recommendations for improved social work outreach and collaboration with receptive clergy for the benefit of their congregants.

One Family Under God: A Theological Perspective on Immigration for Christian Social Workers – Sister Stephanie Spandl, MSW, LICSW, MAT – Date Recorded: September 30, 2013

Abstract:  Immigration policy is a complex matter that deeply and personally affects families and communities and requires both justice and compassion. This podcast explores the international, political and social context of immigration today, scriptural and theological foundations to guide our response, and current policies and practices that invite response.

Resiliency or Recovery: Helping Individuals Develop Resiliency Skills – Angela Gaddis, PhD, LCSW – Date Recorded: October 18, 2013

Abstract:  This workshop is designed to teach skills to clinicians and non-clinicians working with children and adults experiencing traumatic stress. It will focus on factors influencing resilience from a systems perspective and using strengths perspective to assist individuals restore balance to the body and mind after traumatic experiences.

Joy in Social Work – David Pooler, PhD – Date Recorded: September 18, 2013

Abstract:  In this session, we will explore how social workers find great joy in their work. We will examine aspects of positive psychology and appreciative inquiry that inspire and inform our thinking about joy in work. Come and find out how you can find more joy!

Commissions to Complete the Mission – Kesslyn Brade Stennis, PhD – Date Recorded: October 28, 2013

Abstract: In this session, Kesslyn Brade Stennis reminds us of the many ways we are encouraged to live out our callings as Christian in social work

Confidentiality: Why, Who, What, Where, and How – Helen Wilson Harris, EdD – Date Recorded: October 08, 2013

Abstract:  This ethics workshop focuses on principles of privacy and confidentiality for a small agency largely staffed by volunteers to assist older adults with food sufficiency. Principles of confidentiality, motivations for respecting the information of others, and methods for protection client information are the primary topics.

And What Is True Religion? – Elisabeth Omilami – Date Recorded: October 17, 2013

Abstract:  And so we believe that every individual is a person of worth with basic human rights and has essential human responsibilities. But, we also believe that God works in and through people in the person of the Holy Spirit. How do we take our secular freedom and our spiritual freedom and combine them through the Holy Spirit to serve the people who come to us who so often have lost touch with their faith, their hope and their God?

Integral Ethics in Social Work Education Mari Ann Graham, PhD, LISW – Date Recorded: October 19, 2013

Abstract: Integral ethics is an inherently spiritual ethical framework that classifies and unifies 4 differing approaches to ethical decision-making. Based on Wilber’s integral paradigm, It can be used to help educators, students, and practitioners to engage colleagues and clients with differing religious/political views in more authentically inclusive ways.

Transformed by the Renewing of your Mind: Utilizing Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) – Erma Ballenger, PhD – Date Recorded: November 25, 2013

Abstract: This workshop provides an overview of the theory and primary purpose of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) and key considerations for applying the Situational A-B-C-E Model of REBT. This model has been highly effective in helping individuals become less disturbed emotionally, behaviorally and cognitively and more functional by changing the way they think about self, others and the world. This presentation describes two human tendencies that lead to emotional disturbance and dysfunctional behavior: 1. The tendency to irrationally transform a desire into a demand; 2. The power of choice and the ability to dispute and change irrational thinking to rational thinking. This session discusses unhealthy negative emotions (UNEs) and healthy negative emotions (HNEs) as well as illustrating each phase of the Situation A-B-C-D-E Model of REBT in renewing the mind.

Creating a Compassionate Organization through Servant Leadership – Hugh Drouin, PhD – Date Recorded: October 18, 2013

Abstract:  There is much loneliness and isolation today in organizations. We have forgotten how to connect more meaningfully with each other at work. The creation of deeper relationships at work leads to stronger emotional and spiritual health for its members. Through music, story, the principles of Servant Leadership, and other healing principles, this workshop emphasizes the importance of creating a climate of nurture and compassion in an organization.

Christian Roles in Social Movements for Social Justice – Jon Singletary, PhD – Date Recorded: October 17, 2013

Abstract:  How do people of faith see the role of social justice in social movements? This podcast explores how faith inspires social justice in social movements and includes several recent examples. Participants will consider theoretical and theological insights that inform this arena of social work practice as well as biblical insights on social justice and social change.

The Family of Adoption: One Family/Four Narratives – Helen Harris, EdD, LCSW; Jennifer Hale, RN BSN; Beth Harris, Social Work Student; Caitlin Hale, College Student – Date Recorded: October 18, 2013

Abstract:  The adoption narrative is provided in this interactive presentation from multiple perspectives. Presenters include a birth mother, adoptive mother, adopted child, and birth sister in an adoption twenty one years ago now the story of two families entering each others’ narrative of loss and reunion and new family.

Increasing Congregational Competency in Missional Practices – Patty Villarreal, LMSW – Date Recorded: October 19, 2013

Abstract:  This workshop examines how use of self as a Latina social worker congregant in a dominant Anglo congregation introduced church leadership to a self-awareness of paternalistic ministry methods and assisted in discovering and developing healthy holistic practices in church and community engagement. Participants learn about best-practice methods that can be used in introducing client self-determination and cultural competency while exploring ways to influence their own congregational settings by engaging different ethnic members within their home church.

Practitioner-Identified Barriers to Outreach with Black Churches – Kimberly Hardy – Date Recorded: October 18, 2013

Abstract: Practitioners have identified a number of barriers that affect their willingness and ability to successfully engage with the African-American faith community. Most significant were issues of race and a personal lack of religious knowledge. This hesitance to engage with the Black Church can have devastating consequences for practice with African-American clients and communities. This workshop presents various strategies to support social work practitioners’ engagement with the Africa-American faith community.

Imago Dei and Family Therapy: A Communications Framework  – Mikal Rasheed, PhD, LCSW, and Janice Rasheed, PhD, LCSW – Date Recorded: October 19, 2013

Abstract:  This session presents the communications model of family therapy and its potential of being integrated into a Christian world view. The concept “Imago Dei” will be presented as the integrating concept between a Christian world view and communications theory.

2012 Archived Podcasts

Spiritually Sensitive Crisis Intervention with HIV-Infected and Affected Individuals – Allison Tan – Date Recorded: February 27, 2012

Abstract:  We will consider the current state of the HIV epidemic in America and how it affects the work social workers will likely encounter with HIV-infected and affected clients. After reviewing the history of the HIV epidemic, this workshop will focus on crisis intervention work emphasizing the most common crises HIV-infected and affected individuals face. Utilizing both the available literature on crisis work with HIV-positive clients and the facilitator’s own practice experience, the content of this workshop will cover the range of reactions and life experiences common to HIV-infected and affects individuals ? including the ways in which an HIV diagnosis can impact his or her questions of religion and spirituality. Workshop participants will be able to better anticipate the ways in which their social work practice may intersect with HIV-positive clients in crisis and what can be done to help them socially, medically, and spiritually.

A Faith Perspective on Health Care Reform and Poverty – Dr. Rick Chamiec-Case – Date Recorded: September 07, 2012

Abstract:  This presentation will focus on how social workers of faith can tap the resources of their faith to inform their thinking about health care reform and health care provision. In particular, it will focus on how the principle of solidarity, drawn from Catholic social teaching, as well as a biblical understanding of what it means to be our brother’s keeper.

Adoption and Faith: Perspectives Informed by Alan Keith-Lucas – Helen Harris and Beth Harris – Date Recorded: April 30, 2012

Abstract: This session will articulate the practice principles of Alan Keith-Lucas on the integration of faith and practice, the valuing of birth families, the concepts of reality empathy and support as relevant in the adoption experience. The focus will be on the impact on faith of seeing oneself as a child of God, understanding God’s valuing of substitute families and birth families and the use of Christ centered principles for managing challenging interactions. Participants will discuss closed and open adoption, the decision to search or not, principles for re-establishing contact and managing value differences. Practice tips and opportunities for discussion around the application of these principles will be included.

Trauma, Change, and Hope in Child Welfare – Dr. Charles Stikes – Date Recorded: October 25, 2012

Abstract: This presentation is about the impact of personal, social, and natural disasters, as traumas; the impact on the entire aspect of the lives of people, and what can be done to ameliorate the disastrous consequences. It includes what needs to be done to deal with neglect and abuse as trauma, as well as the consequences of social and natural disasters that child care workers have to deal with as they deal with families as victims.

Spirituality as a Potential Resource for Coping with Trauma – Mary Van Hook – Date Recorded: October 25, 2012

Abstract: This presentation will address the potential role of spirituality as a resource for coping with both current and past trauma. Spirituality in this context embraces a variety of religious and cultural traditions. The presentation also discusses ways in which social workers can help client access this resource.

What Is in the Hood of Your Heart? – Major Kendall Mathews – Date Recorded: October 26, 2012

Abstract:  In this devotional presentation offered during NACSW Convention 2012 in St. Louis, Missouri, Kendall challenges Christians in social work to reflect on and nurture the resources of their Christian faith that serve to motivate, inspire, and sustain them in their often difficult work.

Lessons about Training Black Clergy in Mental Health: What Do We Know? – Jennifer Payne and Jacqueline Dyer – Date Recorded: October 26, 2012

Abstract:  In light of the fact that clergy are often front-line counselors, this workshop encourages dialogue about the best ways to collaborate with and to train Black clergy on mental health issues. The presenters discuss culturally competent strategies for 1) approaching clergy members of the African American community, and 2) designing effective mental health training trainings.

Assessing/Preparing Adoptive Families to Care for Traumatized Children – Jayne Schooler and Hope Haslam Straughan – Date Recorded: October 26, 2012

Abstract:  How can we better prepare foster and adoptive families to care for children with a history of trauma? By integrating trauma-informed language into the assessment and preparation process. This interactive workshop will provide participants with the tools to better prepare families and narrow the gap between expectations of the adoption experience and the realities that come.

Cultivating Healing after Childhood Sexual Abuse – Julie Woodley – Date Recorded: October 26, 2012

Abstract:  This Presentation will take you through the pain, healing after of childhood sexual abuse. Julie Woodley will use her own story as well as stories of others and video clips of great Professionals. Julie will take you through a journey of healing to help you understand the dynamics of childhood sexual trauma for women and men and how to invite Christ into their healing through presentation, story and the visual media of storytelling.

Intervention & Aftercare for Sex Trafficking Survivors: A Holistic Approach to Healing – Lisa Thompson – Date Recorded: October 25, 2012

Abstract:  The global issue of sex trafficking with its devastating effect on victims is also an American problem of growing proportions. While awareness of the injustice has grown dramatically in the past few years, healing intervention and aftercare for women and child survivors is far from adequate in proportion to the level of need. This workshop will focus on how people of faith of diverse professions have responded on the front lines to develop transformational models for intervention and holistic care for women and children trapped in human trafficking.

Blessed Assurance: African-American Perspectives on Pastoral Counseling – Kimberly Hardy – Date Recorded: October 26, 2012

Abstract:  The Pew Forum on Religion in Public Life has found that African-Americans are more religious than any other racial/ethnic group in the country. Born of struggle and resistance to societal injustice, the Black Church developed as a means of providing both a haven from harm and a sanctuary for worship. The Black Church is still critically important for African-Americans, but the roles it plays may be changing particularly regarding mental health. This presentation will present the findings of a survey study conducted in two phases: an electronic administration and a paper/pencil administration in the pews of several Black Churches in the mid-Atlantic region. The study identifies the perceptions of African-American Christians related to professional/secular and faith-based pastoral counseling. Specifically, the presentation will identify patterns of responses, reveal the preferred source of support for various personal and mental health issues, and specify ways in which to incorporate the findings into social education and practice.

Addressing Racial Disproportionality through Catholic Social Teachings – Linda Plitt Donaldson and Kathleen Belanger – Date Recorded: October 27, 2012

Abstract: Catholic social teaching is a rich resource for all Christian social workers to root their values and practice models in scripture and the life of Jesus Christ. This workshop will include an overview of Catholic Social Teaching and apply CST principles to the problem of racial disproportionality in child welfare.

Spirituality, Child Trauma and Expressive Arts – Donald Phelps, PhD – Date Recorded: October 27, 2012

Abstract:  This session focuses on the relationship between expressive arts and spirituality when working with children that have been traumatized. The more we learn about the connection between the arts and spirituality, the better we can help children heal by encouraging them to access the strength that comes from their faith.

Switch to the Fearless Mode – Judith Gonzalez, PhD – Date Recorded: October 28, 2012

Abstract:  The purpose of Esther’s life in the Bible was to demonstrate to Jews living in exile that it was possible to achieve success in the country of one’s exile without giving up one’s identity as a woman and a Jew. Esther saves her people, brings about the downfall of their enemy, and elevates her kinsman to the highest position in the kingdom. How do we apply these concepts to our life and work?

The Importance of Engaging Fathers in Social Work Practice – Mark Robinson, MSW – Date Recorded: October 27, 2012

Abstract:  The research is clear. Children do better in every measure of development when there is a responsibly involved father in their lives. This workshop examines the unique contributions of fathers to the health and productive development of their children. In addition, this presentation will address the challenges that practitioners face in engaging fathers in effective service-delivery.

2011 Archived Podcasts

Addressing Pornography in the Church – Kim Kotrla – Date Recorded: February 28, 2011

Abstract: Ample evidence documents that the pornography industry is alive and well in the U.S. with sexually explicit images readily available through a variety of venues. Despite some commonly held misperceptions that pornography is victimless and harmless, research has documented there are often negative effects resulting from the use of pornography. Most church leaders have traditionally addressed the issue of pornography from a biblical perspective of morality or not at all, although some bodies of faith are developing new strategies to tackle this issue. Opportunities exist for social workers to partner with churches to strengthen responses of congregations in dealing with this controversial issue. This presentation will articulate statistics regarding the pornography industry, verbalize an understanding of the possible harms associated with pornography consumption as well articulate various ways that church leaders and social workers can address the issue through congregations.

Developing the Mindset and Practices for Research and Scholarship – Michael Sherr – Date Recorded: August 03, 2011

Abstract:  Writing, even for research and scholarship, is a creative form of expression that involves a cognitive and emotional mindset. It also involves developing effective behavioral habits. Finding harmony between one’s mindset and behavior habits is the key to experiencing the joy of being a life-long productive writer. This conference call presentation invites educators to begin reflecting upon the mindset and practices attuned to experiencing the joy of productive research and scholarship.

Strengthening Resources for Service in the Faith Community through Grant Writing and Program Development – David Mills – Date Recorded: April 11, 2011

Abstract:  There is a growing awareness among many churches that service in the community is a vital part of the life of faith. Christian social workers are uniquely skilled to aid in effective development and sustainability as this movement toward community engagement continues. This presentation will talk about the techniques Christians in social work can use to improve their grant writing and program development skills with a special focus on programs that are suited to faith-based and community-based social services.

Christian Spiritual Approaches to Motivational Interviewing – Kenneth Smith – Date Recorded: November 26, 2011

Abstract:  Motivational Interviewing, as developed by Miller and Rollnick (2002), is an evidence-based method for assisting clients to identify and resolve ambivalence about change. It is both client centered and directive. Jesus demonstrated expert skill in motivational interviewing during interactions with people He encountered, as recorded in the Gospels. This podcast will focus on the core theory and skills of motivational interviewing, with emphasis on how Jesus identified and resolved ambivalence. Examples of how Biblical terminology and world view of the Christian faith can be integrated into motivational interviewing will also be discussed.

Social Justice and Human Rights: The Case for Religious Prosecution – David Hodge – Date Recorded: October 21, 2011

Abstract:  Human rights are a fundamental social justice concern that is grounded in the NASW Code of Ethics and international human rights protocols. Despite widespread philosophical support for the notion of human rights on the international stage, advocacy for the right to religious freedom has received little attention, helping fuel a global rise in religious prosecution. This lecture helps participants challenge social injustice on behalf of persecuted people people of faith. Toward this end, the origins and nature of human rights are reviewed along with the UNDHR. The state of religious freedom around the world is discussed along with strategies to promote religious freedom. The lecture concludes with a discussion of the challenges and opportunities associated with advocating for the human right of religious freedom.

A Christian Perspective on Self Care for the Social Worker – Lanny Endicott – Date Recorded: November 28, 2011

Abstract:  This podcast speaks to the social worker’s potential for developing secondary trauma (compassion fatigue) when working with hurting and traumatized people. When left unaddressed, secondary trauma can contribute to professional impairment and burnout. Participants will be provided information on secondary trauma and burnout, self-assessment tools, and a variety of self-care strategies informed by a Christian perspective.

Macaroni at Midnight: Overcoming Oppression, Racism, and Hate – Don Bartlette – Date Recorded: October 21, 2011

Abstract:  The presentation is a profile of Dr. Bartlette’s experience growing up as an Indian child with severe speech and physical disabilities in an environment of poverty, child abuse, family violence, homelessness, drug abuse, alcoholism, and racism. It highlights him becoming a Christian through the help of two women in his life. The first woman rescued him when he was a homeless adolescent and in trouble with the law and the other woman helped to lead him to the Lord.

Partnering to Address Human Trafficking – Lisa Thompson – Date Recorded: October 21, 2011

Abstract:  The trafficking of human beings has drawn significant attention in the past several years. The presenters for this panel all have utilized their professional skills at the state, national or international levels to curb the trafficking. They will discuss their understanding of the issue, and the ways in which state government, professional social workers and non-governmental organizations are attempting draw attention to the issue and to eliminate trafficking.

Faith and Play Therapy – Cathi Spooner – Date Recorded: October 11, 2011

Abstract:  Cathi is a licensed clinical social worker and a Registered Play Therapy Supervisor. She has been a member of NACSW since 2008. She will give an overview of play therapy vs traditional talk therapy, theory of play therapy, the benefits of using play therapy in a variety of modalities with children, teens and their families.

2010 Archived Podcasts

Faith and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – Cathi Spooner, LCSW – Date Recorded: October 06, 2010

Abstract:  The speaker and facilitator for this call will be Cathi Spooner, LCSW, RPT-S, founder and director of Phoenix Family Counseling & Play Therapy Center in Gainesville, Virginia. This presentation will examine cognitive-behavioral treatment from a faith-based perspective. Participants will examine the underlying Biblical principles of CBT. Cognitive-Behavioral treatment is an integration of treatment approaches that examine the relationship between thoughts and behaviors. This presentation with specifically examine William Glasser s Reality Therapy/Choice Therapy principles as well as the interaction between attachment styles, thoughts, feelings and behaviors. We will also discuss CBT strategies that can be useful in the treatment process. Practical strategies to use with clients will be demonstrated.

Religion, Spirituality, and Health Care: History, Research, and Application – Harold Koenig – Date Recorded: February 08, 2010

Abstract:  Dr. Koenig examines the historical relationship between religion and medicine, examining the origins of health care, hospitals, medicine and nursing. He explores the research that has examined the relationship between religious involvement and mental health. He will propose a model of how religion may impact physical health through the mind-body mechanisms. He examines the relationship between religion and physical health, immune functioning, cardiovascular functioning, and survival. He examines what these findings mean for clinicians and how this might be applied to clinical practice in a sensitive and appropriate manner. Finally, he discusses that the relationship between religion and medicine means for the future of health care in developed and underdeveloped countries, particularly the growing aging population and their health care needs.

Changes in Christian Social Work: What New, What – Frank B. Raymond – Date Recorded: November 10, 2010

Abstract:  This presentation will identify and examine significant changes that have impacted the field of social work in recent decades and the implications of these changes for Christian social work education and practice. Recent years have witnessed dramatic social, economic, technological, and environmental changes throughout the world. What are the new roles and tasks of Christian social workers? What new knowledge and skill sets must they possess in order to carry out these new responsibilities? What has remained unchanged in the practice of Christian social work, and what traditional knowledge, values, beliefs, and practice skills should Christian social workers cling to in order to remain true to their calling and provide effective services in a changing world?

Faith-Based Perspectives on International Social Work, Domestic and Abroad – Ken Stoltzfus and Elizabeth Patterson – Date Recorded: October 25, 2010

Abstract:  This workshop is entitled, Faith-based Perspectives on International Social Work, Domestic and Abroad. Ken Stoltzfus and Elizabeth Patterson, social work faculty at Malone University, and a representative from a local agency working with immigrant issues are the presenters for this workshop. This workshop will consist of presentations on faith-based social work in Romania and Russia, as well as faith-based approaches to working with local immigrant populations. Following the presentations, Jane Hoyt-Oliver, social work faculty member at Malone University, and Rick Chamiec-Case, executive director of NACSW, facilitate a panel discussion.

A Faith-Based Approach Integrating Cgnitive-Behavioral Treatment And Attachment Styles – Cathi Spooner, LCSW – Date Recorded: June 10, 2010

Abstract:  This presentation will examine cognitive-behavioral treatment from a faith-based perspective. Participants will examine the underlying Biblical principles of CBT. Cognitive-Behavioral treatment is an integration of treatment approaches that examine the relationship between thoughts and behaviors. This presentation with specifically examine William Glasser’s Reality Therapy/Choice Therapy principles as well as the interaction between attachment styles, thoughts, feelings and behaviors. We will also discuss CBT strategies that can be useful in the treatment process. Practical strategies to use with clients will be demonstrated.

Ethical Integration of Christian Faith and Social Work: Pursuing Faithfulness and Professional Integrity – Rick Chamiec-Case – Date Recorded: March 06, 2010

Abstract:  This presentation will illustrate a wide variety of ways social workers integrate their faith and social work practice, and how these different approaches to integration contribute to Christian social workers’ understanding of both their social work and their faith.

Legacy of Significance – Rev. Joanne Browne Jennings – Date Recorded: November 14, 2010

Abstract:  Reverend Joanne Browne Jennings (LLB, MDiv, MSW, LMFT) is a native of Pembroke, Bermuda. She is a graduate of the University of Toronto, in Canada, and the Inns of Court School of Law in England. In 1983, after working as an attorney for five years, she entered Fuller Theological Seminary, in California, in response to God’s call. She graduated in 198 with a Master’s of Divinity, and Marriage and Family Counseling. In 1990, she obtained a Master’s Degree in Social Work, from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She has preached, taught, and facilitated seminars in Bermuda, the West Indies, Canada, South Africa, and the United States. Rev. Browne Jennings, and her husband, the Rev. Dr. Willie Jennings, are associate ministers at the Mt. Level Missionary Baptist Church, in Durham.

Building Networks of Transformation Toward the Goal of Achieving the Beloved Community – Rev Yvonne Delk – Date Recorded: November 13, 2010

Abstract:  For the past 45 years, Yvonne has devoted my life to working for what Dr. Martin Luther King calls the beloved community. This address will focus on what is needed in leadership systems and networks if we are to achieve this objective. It is important to leave the cubicles that keep us isolated from another and build networks of community, healing and transformation. She will be lifting up a vision and hope for transformation via the connection of our faith, our values, and our networks. In addition, Yvonne will be sharing what she have learned about flowing the boundaries of race, gender, class, and faith in my journey to reach the beloved community.

Religious Trends in America – Mark Chaves – Date Recorded: November 12, 2010

Abstract:  What is changing in American religion? What is staying the same? In this lecture, Mark will describe continuity and change in American religion since 1970. Other issues and topics that will addressed are different trends in religious demography as well as religious belief, attitudes, practices, and changes within congregations.

Adoption and Faith: Perspectives Informed by Alan Keith-Lucas – Helen Harris – Date Recorded: November 12, 2010

Abstract:  This interactive presentation by a social worker (adoptive parent) and a social work student (adoptee) will focus on the work of Alan Keith-Lucas and time honored faith and practice principles. Participants will explore the impact on faith of the adoption experience with particular focus on relating to birth families. The presenter, Helen Harris, a senior lecturer in the School of Social Work at Baylor University, has more than 30 years of practice experience-with eight years of experience in a faith based child welfare agency.

2009 Archived Podcasts

Following Jesus in Social Work: Learning from Anabaptist Practice & Theology – Terry Wolfer, PhD – Date Recorded: October 30, 2009

Abstract:  This Alan Keith-Lucas lecture at NACSW Convention 2009 in Indianapolis, Indiana explored the potential contributions of Anabaptist practice and theology for Christians in social work, focusing especially on challenges or critiques that an Anabaptist perspective provides for the social work profession.

To Break Every Yoke – John Hay, Jr. – Date Recorded: November 01, 2009

Abstract:  As Horizon House, Inc., a homeless day center in downtown Indianapolis, was rebooted, they were determined to find a better paradigm for their service model than either rescue or typical entitlement-based service provision. Through consultation from colleagues they developed practices at every level of our initiative that reflected a commitment to a deep, ancient sense of hospitality. This dramatically changed their approach, practices and outcomes with homeless neighbors. Using Isaiah 58 as a resource, this message will focus on recovering the practice of hospitality in social work.

Human Trafficking: Trafficking of US Citizens – Anna Rodriquez – Date Recorded: November 04, 2009

Abstract:  This demonstrates how Christians in Social Work can come together to address the complex issues surrounding domestic human trafficking and collaborate on strategies to prevent trafficking, as well as identify, rescue and restore human lives when it takes place. It shows how lack of financial support and services for domestic workplaces a larger burden on faith-based and community agencies to secure resources to do their work.

Children Of Trauma: Understanding and Partnering in Their Healing Process – Nola Carew, MSW, LMSW – Date Recorded: February 23, 2009

Abstract:  This audio conference workshop provides helping professionals with a clearer understanding of definitions and types of traumatic experiences in children. Special attention will be given to working with children who have experienced chronic or complex trauma in the form of abuse or neglect. The workshop addresses biological, psychological, and social impacts of trauma to aid the worker in more effective assessment and intervention of these children over the course of their development. The workshop will look at intervention strategies and skills that can be utilized by caseworkers, clinicians & social workers in a variety of settings to help children to deal with the lasting impacts of their traumatic experiences and to move forward in their healing process. The audio conference will also provide strategies for workers to help caregivers to better understand and meet the needs of their traumatized child. The workshop emphasizes an understanding of the needs of the traumatized child from a whole person perspective in the context of their social environment and integrates an application of biblical concepts to provide a framework for hope and continual healing.

Empowering Diverse Communities, the Three V Way – Gilberto Perez, Jr. MSW, ACSW – Date Recorded: October 29, 2009

Abstract:  The world is becoming increasingly diverse and dramatic inequalities are on the rise in communities near and far. This reality requires social workers to be mindful of what God is doing to empower communities who are in flux, what we as social workers are doing to cooperate in the empowerment process and Kingdom-building work, and how we as social workers alter our outreach strategies. The keynote will explore empowering diverse communities through an empowerment map, explore pathways that bring about empowerment, and hear stories from communities near and far who see empowerment as a necessary ingredient to change.

Being Salt and Light As You Go: Follow the Pattern – Lorraine C. Blackman, PhD, LCSW, CFLE – Date Recorded: October 31, 2009

Abstract:  This keynote presentation will teach participants how to leverage the power of their Christian faith in real-world, secular social work practice settings, providing compassionate service and promoting justice to diverse populations.

Using Spiritually Modified Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Practice: An Evidence-based Perspective – David Hodge, PhD – Date Recorded: April 27, 2009

Abstract:  In this presentation, Dr. Hodge uses an evidence-based perspective to focus on an important new therapeutic modality – spiritual modified cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Potential enhancements to traditional cognitive behavior therapy include faster recovery, improved treatment compliance, lower post-treatment relapse and reduced treatment disparity. The presentation concludes by illustrating the construction of spiritually modified CBT self-statements that reflect common Christian and Islamic values. To view the PowerPoint slides referred to in this podcast as well as other resources distributed in the original audio conference, go to: www.nacsw.org/AudioConf/042709.htm. Please note that continuing education contact hours are not available through this podcast.

Social Work and the Kingdom of God – Ken Stoltzfus – Date Recorded: April 17, 2009

Abstract:  NACSW s January, 2011 podcast is presented by NACSW member Ken Stoltzfus, Ph.D., who will be presenting on Social Work and the Kingdom of God. This podcast will present a specific strategy for faith integration which he has used in one or more social work courses, followed by discussion and feedback around that specific strategy as well as other integration strategies participants shared during the call.

2008 Archived Podcasts

The Power of Service: Reclaiming One of the Key Values of the Social Work Profession – Rev. Luis A. Perez, MSW – Date Recorded: February 09, 2008

Abstract:  In a day when the word service in many circles is shunned and avoided because of the connotations to servant or servitude, the model and perspective of service by Jesus can inform our practice and how we perceive our work, clients, and community. This presentation, developed from the book, The Externally Focused Church, Rusaw,R., Swanson, E. (2004), will challenge attendees to consider the bridge service can be in the interest of practitioners as members of the profession, the church, and the community at large.

Understanding and Responding to the Needs of International Women, Wives, and Mothers – Cindy Sugger-Tkel, MSW – Date Recorded: September 29, 2008

Abstract:  This audio conference examined the complex lives of immigrant women in our communities and how to support them as they integrate into the fabric of American life. Participants discussed managing a culturally and religiously diverse group from a Christian perspective, parenting and marital values in other cultures and the use of a cultural gram as an assessment tool. The lives of diverse women were introduced through case scenarios and a model of a program offering parenting and family support as well as a resource lending library will be shared. This workshop examined the use of the NASW Continuum of Cultural Competence.

From Mission to Mission Effectiveness – Linda Yankoski – Date Recorded: February 07, 2008

Abstract: As individuals of faith we have made many strides in developing our personal capacities as nonprofit leaders. This presentation will focus on building capacity in nonprofit organizations and why this effort is becoming increasingly important for leaders of faith-based organizations. Seven elements of organizational capacity will be addressed: aspirations, strategy, organizational skills, human resources, systems and infrastructure, and culture. Key success factors and lessons learned from a number of case studies will be discussed.

2004 Archived Podcasts

Faith-based Community Development: An Exciting Call to Servanthood for Christians in Social Work – Marty Kooistra – Date Recorded: September 27, 2004

Abstract:  What is faith-based community development? This audio conference workshop will explore key concepts of community development and what makes communities healthy and whole. In addition, this audio conference will look at effective models of faith-based community development and evaluate a variety of indicators of success.

Christian Commitment to Social Justice and Politics – Rev. Jim Wallis – Date Recorded: October 31, 2004

Abstract: NACSW’s September 2010 podcast, Christian Commitment to Social Justice and Politics is a recording of Jim Wallis’ October 31, 2004 keynote presentation at NACSW Convention 2004 in Washington, DC. Jim Wallis is an international commentator on ethics and public life and a spokesperson for faith-based initiatives to over come poverty. In 1995 Jim formed Call to Renewal, a national federation of churches, denominations, and faith-based organizations working to overcome poverty. He speaks at more than 200 events a year and his columns appear in the New York Times, Washington Post, and Los Angeles Times.

Jim offers regular commentary and analysis for radio and television and has taught a course at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government on Faith, Politics, and Society. Jim closed out Convention 2004 with a message focused on, “We Are the Ones We’ve Been Waiting For.”

Serving Vulnerable Children & Families through Church Related Agencies: Practice and Leadership Issues – Diana Garland – Date Recorded: February 23, 2004

Abstract: Serving Children & Families describes the distinctive characteristics of religiously-affiliated and church-related agencies in the social work practice field of child welfare services, from prevention services to services for abused children. It also presents case studies of actual practice issues and dilemmas, and describes how social workers can provide leadership in defining the mission, potential, and programs of these important agencies. In addition, it outlines models of innovative programs in church-related agencies, and articulates the distinction between integrating faith and spirituality in direct practice and in the organizational processes of an agency.

The Global Impact of Christians In Social Work – Dr. Tony Campolo – Date Recorded: October 30, 2004

Abstract: Dr. Tony Campolo is professor emeritus of Sociology at Eastern University in St. Davids, Pennsylvania. He previously served for ten years on the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania. He is a graduate of Eastern University and earned his PhD from Temple University. Founder and President of the Evangelical Association for the Promotion of Education (EAPE), Tony has worked to create, nurture and support programs for at-risk children in cities across North America, and has helped establish schools and universities in several developing countries. Tony is a media commentator on religious, social, and political matters, author of 28 books, and an ordained minister. He is a long-time friend of NACSW.

Ethics in Social Work Practice: Evangelism, Prayer, and Other Value Conflicts – David A. Sherwood, MSS, PhD, LICSW, ACSW – Date Recorded: 11, 2004

Abstract: Competent social work practice requires that professionals deal ethically and effectively in their work with clients. This presentation will explore the use and limits of the social work Code of Ethics as well as biblical teachings to resolve ethical dilemmas, identify ethical principles that guide social work practice in regard to spirituality and religion, and assess and use spiritual and religious resources in practice with clients.

2003 Archived Podcasts

Vocation of Christian Social Work – Dr. Martin Marty – Date Recorded: October 23, 2003

Abstract: This plenary presentation from NACSW Convention 2003 reviews changes that occurred as a result of 9/11, and frames issues of priorities, strategies, agenda, approaches to social services, ministries of justice and mercy, and the like. Dr. Marty outlines some possible responses to post 9/11 times and discusses their limits.
